Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Sandy Hook elementary school shooting

Twenty-seven Lives Lost  

On the Shooting

The 20 children and 6 women killed in the shooting
            On Friday December 14, 2012 twenty children were killed at Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown Connecticut. In addition six more adults were killed in the shooting and the shooter’s mother was killed in her home that day. The shooter, Adam Lanza, was able to obtain three of his mother’s guns including a high powered military gun. Twenty-seven lives were lost simply because one man was able to obtain a high powered military weapon. No matter your thoughts on gun control, no one can deny that if this man was not able to get his hands on such a gun, these twenty children would still be alive today. These children had hopes, dreams, and loving families. They had no hate and were innocent. Many of the parents of these children have somehow been able to stop and think of what the family of the shooter is going through. They say they are able to do so because of their children and because it is what they would want. What happened to these children is an unimaginable tragedy and these children will be remembered.  And lets not forget the heroic acts these teachers and staff did to protect their classes.    


On Gun Control

          What happened this past Friday brings up the need for change. Too many shootings have occurred in the past few years and many Americans are realizing this. I personally think gun laws need to be stricter. I strongly believe that there is no reason an average person would ever need a high powered military level gun with an enormous amount of ammunition. These types of guns are used every year in killings such as the Sandy Hook Massacre and what I can never understand is that the guns being used in these murders are completely legal. I do not think all guns should be illegal, and I am certainly aware that if guns of high caliber become illegal they will not be gone altogether. It is just amazing to me at how incredibly easy it is to buy a gun and ammunition. The government keeps track of how much cough syrup someone buys but does not notice when someone buys a massive amount of ammunition? That does not make sense to me in any way. That brings up another point: ammunition. I do believe that there should be a limit on how much ammunition one can buy legally. If someone does have a gun for protection how much ammunition do they really need? No- stricter gun laws will not solve all of America’s violence problems but they will help immensely to help stop impulsive violence like that seen this past Friday and so many other times.

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